7 Reasons Why Dog Pee on Bed (And Cleaning Process)

why Dog Pee on Bed


Few things are more disheartening for a pet owner than discovering that their beloved dog has left an unwelcome surprise on their bed. 

Not only is it frustrating to deal with the mess, but it can also leave you scratching your head wondering why your furry friend would choose such an inconvenient spot. 

Fear not! In this article, we’ll delve into the various reasons why dogs may pee on your bed and provide you with effective cleaning tips to tackle the aftermath.

7 Reasons For Why Dog Pee on Bed – You Should Know This

  1. Marking Their Territory:

Dogs, much like their feline counterparts, use urine as a means of marking their territory. 

If your dog suddenly starts peeing on your bed, it could be their way of claiming ownership over that space. 

This behavior is more common in unneutered males but can also occur in spayed or neutered dogs, especially in multi-pet households.

  1. Anxiety or Stress:

Just like humans, dogs can experience anxiety and stress, and they may express these emotions through inappropriate urination. 

Changes in their environment, such as moving to a new home, the addition of a new family member or pet, or even loud noises like thunderstorms, can trigger anxiety in dogs and lead to accidents on your bed.

  1. Medical Issues:

Sometimes, underlying medical issues can cause dogs to urinate indoors, including on your bed. 

Conditions such as urinary tract infections, bladder stones, or incontinence can make it difficult for dogs to control their bladder, resulting in accidents. 

If your dog’s bed-wetting behavior is sudden or frequent, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any potential health problems.

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  1. Lack of House training:

In some cases, dogs may pee on the bed simply because they haven’t been properly house trained. 

This is more common in puppies or newly adopted dogs who may not yet understand where it’s appropriate to relieve themselves. 

Consistent positive reinforcement and crate training can help teach your dog where it’s acceptable to go potty.

  1. Submissive or Excitement Urination:

Some dogs may pee on your bed as a submissive gesture, especially when greeted by their owners or other pets. 

Similarly, overly excited dogs may lose control of their bladder and accidentally urinate on your bed. 

Understanding your dog’s body language and providing them with calm, positive interactions can help prevent these types of accidents.

  1. Scent of Previous Accidents:

If your dog has had accidents on your bed before, even if they’ve been cleaned, residual odors may still linger. 

Dogs have a keen sense of smell, and they may be attracted to these scent markers, leading them to pee on your bed again. 

Using enzymatic cleaners specifically designed to break down pet odors can help eliminate these lingering scents and discourage repeat accidents.

  1. Attention-Seeking Behavior:

Finally, some dogs may pee on the bed as a way of seeking attention from their owners, especially if they feel neglected or lonely. 

While it may seem like frustrating behavior, scolding or punishing your dog for accidents can exacerbate the issue. 

Instead, focus on providing your dog with plenty of mental and physical stimulation, along with consistent training and positive reinforcement.

Dog Pee Cleaning Process at Home

Cleaning up dog pee can be a hassle, but with the right process, you can effectively eliminate odors and stains. Here’s a step-by-step guide to cleaning dog pee:

  1. Absorb the Urine: Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much urine as possible from the affected area. Press firmly to soak up as much liquid as you can.
  2. Apply Cleaner: Use an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for pet stains and odors. Apply the cleaner generously to the soiled area, making sure to cover it thoroughly.
  3. Let it Sit: Allow the cleaner to sit on the spot for the recommended amount of time as per the product instructions. This allows the enzymes to break down the urine and eliminate odor-causing bacteria.
  4. Blot Again: After the cleaner has had time to work, use fresh paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up the remaining moisture and cleaner from the area. Press firmly to ensure thorough absorption.
  5. Rinse with Water: Rinse the area with clean water to remove any residue from the cleaner. You can use a spray bottle or damp cloth to apply the water, then blot it up with dry towels.
  6. Ensure Complete Drying: Let the cleaned area air dry fully. You can expedite the process by using fans. It’s crucial to ensure the area is completely dry to prevent any lingering odors.
  7. Consider Repeating: If stubborn stains or odors persist, consider repeating the cleaning process. Be persistent and meticulous to ensure complete elimination of any lingering odors.
  8. Prevent Future Accidents: Once the area is clean and dry, take steps to prevent future accidents. Consider using a pet-friendly deterrent spray to discourage your dog from urinating in the same spot again.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean up dog pee and keep your home smelling fresh and clean.

Remember to always use pet-safe products and to consult your veterinarian if your dog’s accidents persist or if you suspect any underlying health issues.


While discovering that your dog has peed on your bed can be frustrating, it’s essential to approach the situation with patience and understanding. 

By identifying the underlying reasons behind your dog’s behavior and implementing effective cleaning techniques, you can help prevent future accidents and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. 

Remember, consistency, positive reinforcement, and regular veterinary check-ups are key to maintaining a happy, healthy relationship with your canine companion.

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About Dipankar Das

Meet Dipankar Das, a seasoned pet owner and successful blogger with over 15 years of experience in the world of pets. As a passionate advocate for animal welfare and responsible pet ownership, Dipankar brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his work.With a deep understanding of the joys and challenges of pet ownership, Dipankar's blog resonates with pet lovers worldwide. His insightful articles cover a wide range of topics, from pet care and training tips to health advice and nutrition guidance.Dipankar's dedication to sharing valuable insights and fostering a supportive community of pet enthusiasts has earned him recognition as a trusted authority in the pet blogging sphere. Through his engaging content and genuine love for animals, Dipankar continues to inspire and empower pet owners to provide the best possible care for their furry companions.

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